Exciting News: Allocation Day at Sola Fide and Bona Fortuna Estates – August 31, 2024

Tomorrow marks a significant milestone for RoundPeg Homes as we host our much-anticipated Allocation Day at Sola Fide and Bona Fortuna Estates. We are thrilled to announce that clients who have fully paid for their plots will be officially allocated their land at both of these premium estates.

What to Expect on Allocation Day

The event will be a remarkable occasion, as our valued clients will have the opportunity to see their investment materialize. At both Sola Fide and Bona Fortuna Estates, clients will be physically shown their plots, ensuring that they know exactly where their future homes or investments will stand.

A Day of Celebration

Allocation Day is more than just a formality—it’s a celebration of trust and commitment. We at RoundPeg Homes are dedicated to making this day special for our clients. Our team will be on hand to guide you through the allocation process, answer any questions, and ensure that the experience is seamless and memorable.

Your Future Starts Now

For those who have taken the bold step of securing a plot at Sola Fide or Bona Fortuna, this day signifies the beginning of a new chapter. Whether you’re planning to build your dream home or hold onto your land as a long-term investment, tomorrow’s allocation will set the foundation for your future.

Join Us

We look forward to welcoming all our esteemed clients to this landmark event. Allocation Day is a testament to our commitment to delivering on our promises and ensuring that your journey with RoundPeg Homes is a success.

Stay tuned for more updates, and congratulations once again to all our new landowners!

From Blueprint to Reality: A Comprehensive Guide to Developing Your Property with Round Peg Homes

The Construction Process: A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Your Property

At Round Peg Homes, we’ve built a reputation for excellence in both private property development and estate property projects. Our journey began with private property development, where we honed our craft by delivering over 100 beautifully constructed private residences across Nigeria. Today, we bring that same dedication and expertise to our estate property developments, ensuring each project reflects our commitment to quality and client satisfaction.

Whether you’re looking to develop a private home or invest in an estate property, understanding the construction process is key to a successful project. Here’s a step-by-step guide to how we develop properties, with special attention to the necessary permits and approvals in Lagos State.

1. Initial Planning and Design
Every successful construction project starts with careful planning. We work closely with you to understand your vision, set a realistic budget, and develop a design that perfectly suits your needs. Our experienced architects and engineers bring their expertise to bear, ensuring that every detail is meticulously planned. Whether it’s a private residence or part of a larger estate development, we guarantee that the design phase lays a solid foundation for the rest of the project.

2. Land Acquisition
Securing the right land is crucial for any development. Our team assists you in conducting thorough due diligence to ensure the land is suitable and free from legal complications. We have successfully helped clients navigate the complexities of land acquisition in Lagos, securing properties that meet their specific needs.

3. Securing Necessary Permits and Approvals
Navigating the regulatory landscape is one of the most critical aspects of property development in Lagos State. At Round Peg Homes, we’re well-versed in securing all necessary permits and approvals, ensuring that your project moves forward without a hitch. Key permits include:

  • Planning Permit: This ensures compliance with Lagos State’s building regulations, obtained through the Lagos State Physical Planning Permit Authority (LASPPPA).
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Required for certain developments, this assessment evaluates the potential environmental effects of your project.
  • Building Plan Approval: After securing the planning permit, we submit detailed building plans to the Lagos State Building Control Agency (LASBCA) for approval, ensuring all safety and structural standards are met.
  • Infrastructure Development Charge (IDC): This essential fee supports local infrastructure, ensuring that your development contributes positively to the community.

4. Site Preparation and Foundation Work
With all permits in place, we move on to preparing the site. Our team handles everything from clearing the land to laying a strong foundation—one of the most critical stages of construction. Our extensive experience in private and estate developments ensures that this phase is executed with precision, providing a stable base for the entire structure.

5. Construction Phase
This is where your vision begins to take shape. We’re proud of our track record in delivering high-quality construction, whether it’s a private home or a property within a larger estate. Our skilled builders, electricians, plumbers, and other professionals work diligently to ensure that every aspect of the construction is completed to the highest standards.

6. Inspections and Quality Control
Throughout the construction process, we maintain rigorous quality control measures. Inspections by relevant authorities ensure compliance with all building regulations, while our own checks guarantee that the work meets our exacting standards. Our past clients can attest to the durability and fine craftsmanship that define a Round Peg Homes project.

7. Finishing and Final Inspections
The finishing phase is where your property truly comes to life. We pay close attention to detail, ensuring that both the interior and exterior finishes reflect the quality you expect. Our commitment to excellence extends to landscaping and additional features, making sure every aspect of the property is perfect. Final inspections confirm that everything is in order before we hand over the property.

8. Handover and Post-Construction
When we hand over your property, you can be confident that it meets all your expectations. But our relationship doesn’t end there. We offer post-construction services, including maintenance and ongoing support, to ensure that your property remains as impeccable as the day you received it. Our past clients have been delighted with the results, and we’re confident you will be too.


At Round Peg Homes, we’ve built our reputation on delivering top-quality private and estate property developments. Whether you’re developing your dream home or investing in an estate project, we guide you through every step of the construction process, ensuring a seamless experience and a final product that exceeds your expectations.

If you’re looking to buy and build a project soon, or if you already have the land and just want to build, let us do the work for you. You know where to reach us: call 08078979116 or email info@roundpeghomes.com. Let us bring your vision to life with the quality and expertise that Round Peg Homes is known for.